From: Neil Foster <>
Date: 16/11/2010 04:44:31 UTC
Subject: Wrongful Birth

Forwarded on behalf of Louis Joseph


From: Louis Joseph
Sent: Mon 11/15/2010 8:04 AM
To: Neil Foster;
Subject: RE: Wrongful birth

Freinds, please see also (albeit different is matter, but interesting):

(1) Liebig v Guelph General Hospital [2010] ONCA 450 <> (June 17, 2010); and

(2) < <> >

Best wishes,

Louis Joseph, Barrister | Group Legal Counsel | BoardEx® | Elizabeth House, 5th Floor, York Road, London SE1 7NQ | T +44 (0) 207160 9600 | F +44 (0) 207160 9605 | M +44 (0)7984 752966 | S'pore +65 9751 6328

Neil Foster,
Senior Lecturer and
Acting Head of School,
Newcastle Law School,
Faculty of Business & Law.
MC158, McMullin Building,
University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308 AUSTRALIA 
ph 02 4921 7430
fax 02 4921 6931